How to fill an airgun
If you haven’t charged a PCP air rifle before do not worry,
because charging a PCP rifle with air is not difficult but you do need to be
careful if using a valve not fitted with a restrictor. Most modern valves now
come with these but if they do not, it’s pretty easy to overfill a rifle which
could cause it to break the receiver, something you don't want to happen as
it'll go off with a bang. Now I've got your attention, hopefully you'll take
care. Ideally get someone to show you how to do it until you're confident but
when the time comes that you need to charge it yourself, here’s what you need
to do.
1. When you first get
your bottle you'll need to attach the adaptor that came with the rifle to the
end of the hose. It needs to be airtight but generally they only need to be
tightened a bit more than hand tight. Be careful though as they're fine threads,
often in brass and if you overdo it, you could damage the thread. Once it's on,
leave it there. If you do have different guns, with various adaptors you can
purchase a Best Fittings quick snap connector that can be used to quickly
change the adaptor.
2. Ensure the adaptor is on the bottle and is hand tight.
There's an 'O' ring on the bottle end that only needs to be hand tight to seal.
3. Tighten the bleed valve.
4. Check what pressure your rifle is designed to take and
don't exceed it (on non-regulated rifles it's better to under fill by about 10
bar just to be safe).
5. Attach the adaptor to the rifle making sure that both the
adaptor and rifle valve are clean and dry. Make sure it's fully engaged and
never use oil or grease on any part of the filler or adaptor.

7. Close the bottle valve firmly.
8. Unscrew the vent
valve and it will expel a blast of air. This allows the pressure to escape from
the hose, so that when you remove the adaptor, it doesn't fly off at speed.
9. Uncouple the adaptor
10. Take care and have fun shooting your charged air rifle
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