Birchwood Casey Off-Eye

A lot of people don’t know that everybody has a dominant
eye, this is not something that would usually come up, unless you try to shoot
a bow or a shotgun with your hand that is the opposite to your eye. This is
called “cross dominance” after a quick google, I have found out that cross
dominance affects roughly 30% of men. A simple test to see if you are cross
dominant is to hold your finger up directly in front of you, in line with an
object. For example look at the picture below, now looking at the top of my
finger, I have used the barrel of an Air Arms S510. Now close your left eye and
open your right, if you are left eye dominant, your finger will no longer be
lined up with the object.

Now we have explained the problem, let’s get onto the
solution. The “OFF EYE” filters from Birchwood Casey have been designed to
combat cross dominance, without having to close one of your eyes. They do this
by restricting your dominant eye and causing your less dominant eye to work
harder. This in turn allows you to correctly sight down your gun or bow,
without double vision or your shots going off to the side. Whilst retaining
your peripherals, this will also cause your perception of a moving target to be
greatly increased. This could be particularly useful if you leave your door
open when you’re sighting your gun in the garden and your dog comes running in from
the side of your vision, because you can hold off on firing and save yourself
from some expensive vet bills and some awkward questions!

There is one criticism that I have with this product and that is if
you’re like me and you over fill your pockets you can crease the card that the
filters are on and this can damage them but luckily with a retail price of
around £10.60 these are a very affordable item and replacements can be bought
fairly painlessly.
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